McIntosh Trail Receives National Program of Excellence Award

March 21, 2008


JACKSON, Ga.—An agency that provides child education and health services to low-income families in North Central Georgia was named this month one of the best programs in the country by the National Head Start Association.

McIntosh Trail Early Childhood Development Council Inc., headquartered in Jackson, was one of 25 agencies in the country to receive the recognition. The group provides Head Start and Pre-Kindergarten services to seven counties in the region.

"This award recognizes the dedication and hard work of all the agency's employees," said Elaine Brown, McIntosh Trail's Head Start and Pre-Kindergarten director.

The National Head Start Association is a membership organization of some 2,600 Head Start programs in the country. The award will be presented April 23 in Nashville, Tenn., during an annual training conference.

McIntosh Trail operates Head Start and Pre-Kindergarten services to nearly 700 preschoolers in Butts, Newton, Henry, Spalding, Lamar, Pike and Upson counties.

Ella Allen, McIntosh Trail's executive director, said the recognition benefits all children and families in the communities the agency serves.

In 2005, McIntosh Trail's Head Start program was one of eight in the country to receive an achievement award from National Head Start Association.

For more information about McIntosh Trail, call (770) 775-4293 or send an email to

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