Early Head Start Expansion
November 12, 2015
JACKSON, Ga. - McIntosh Trail opened four new Early Head Start classes on October 5, 2015. Two classes were opened in Spalding County, one in Butts County and one in Henry County for a total of 32 new children. Ten pregnant moms also began receiving services at the same time. The addition of the new classes brought the number of pregnant moms, infants, and toddlers to 170 in the seven county service area. Early Head Start serves pregnant moms, infants, and toddlers up to age three.
"At the present time McIntosh Trail has 326 on the Early Head Start waiting list" said Ella Allen, Executive Director. "We are hoping that Congress will make additional funding available to serve more eligible children." Early Head Start is a very unique program and a great assest to needy children and families in the area. Not only does it provide quality comprehensive early childhood education but brings additional employment opportunities to those counties.
For more information call 770-775-4293.